We collected 38 answers to the satisfaction survey about the platform services (over 1,200 referenced users). About 42 % of these answers originate from external users. Globally, the users are very satisfied by the platform services: 95 % very satisfied and 3 % satisfied. The most prevalent activities are "E-infrastructure" (computing cluster, Galaxy webtools, JBrowse, Rstudio, OpenOnDemand, storage space or bio-informatics tools) with 82 % of the answers, and support (emails sent to support.abims) with 71% of the answers.
This survey puts forward some suggestions for improvement concerning storage space, account management and communication. The users also underline the quality of the services offered by ABiMS.
The next meeting of the ABiMS Scientific User Committee will take place on Monday, December the 16th, from 3pm to 5pm (CET).