About Us

The mission of the ABiMS platform at the Roscoff Biological Station is to train and support researchers from the marine community and, more broadly, the life sciences, to analyze their data using bioinformatics methods. It is one of the national platforms of the French Institute of Bioinformatics (IFB). ABiMS belong to the Bioinformatics Axe of the Regional project BioGenOuest with the GenOuest and the Bird bioinformatics plateforms. ABiMS also develop collaboration with the SeBiMer service in IFREMER.

Through its numerous interactions with research units, ABiMS is a partner in several national and European research projects involving the development of bioanalysis activities, software engineering and scientific computing infrastructures (65 publications as co-authors over the last five years).  The ABIMS platform has notably developed a strong expertise in the analysis of RNAseq data of non-model species covering a very wide phylogenetic range of organisms (prokaryotes, fungi, protists, macro-algae, plants, molluscs, vertebrates (ABIMS Publications). It has also contributed in recent years to the development of numerous reference databases for both observational and genomic data (ABIMS Resources).




Permanent members

Jean Michel Aroumougom
Charlotte Berthelier (0.9 ETP UMR 7144, 0.1 ETP ABiMS)
Erwan Corre
Loraine Guéguen (UMR 8227)
Nicolas Henry (0.8 ETP Tara data analyses, 0.2 ETP ABiMS)
Mark Hoebeke
Gildas Le Corguillé
Anthony Pensel (IT crew) 
David Zwolinski

Contractual members

Frédéric Autret (IT crew)
 Benoît Bergk Pinto
Annie Lebreton
Alexandre Nicaise
Aurélien Schmitt (OSU STAMAR)

Hosted members

 Gaetan Burgaud (Univ Brest- IUEF position)
Arthur Le Bars (IFB Core)
Perla Farhat (UMR 8227)
Gabriel Markov (UMR 8227)
 Thomas Mignon (IFB Core)

Previous members

  • Charlotte André
  • Gwendoline Andres
  • Fatoumata Binta Barry
  • Antoine Bisch
  • Philippe Bordron
  • Christophe Caron
  • Wilfrid Carre
  • Alexandre Cormier
  • Romain Dallet
  • Nolwenn Dantec
  • Eric Duvignac
  • François Gerbes
  • Léa Joret
  • Ehsan Kayal
  • Joseph Kervellec
  • Ludovic Legrand
  • Pernelle Lelièvre
  • Xi Liu
  • Karine Massau
  • Dean Mckeown
  • Celia Michotey
  • Misharl Monsoor
  • Catia Monteiro
  • Delphine Nègre
  • Guita Niang
  • Pierre Pericard
  • Olivier Quenez
  • Anaïs Rey
  • Julien Saint-Vanne
  • Jukka Siltanen
  • Guillaume Tanguy
  • Camille Vacquié
  • Julien Wollbrett