The platform ABiMS offers a HPC/Cluster infrastructure based on the scheduler SLURM. It represents:
- 3368 Core CPU
- 3 GPU nodes with Nvidia cards: 4 L40s and 2 k80
- a secure data storage (RAID) of 2 PB
Since 2020, the whole cluster insfrastructure and some of its side applications had been refactoring. All the administration is now managed as a Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC). All the administration is done using the Ansible playbooks pushed on GitLab and some Continuous Integration robots (GitLab-CI). (Cf: Software layer)
This infrastructure has been financed by multiple sources :
- Région Bretagne - BioGenOuest
- Conseil Général - CG29
- ANR projects
- Station Biologique de Roscoff: FR2424, UMR8227, UMR7144
- Investissements d'Avenir projects: EMBRC-France, IDEALG, Océanomics, IFB
- GRSIBI projects.
In 2021, the number of users is evenly distributed between internal "Station Biologique de Roscoff" and external.
Documentation and Training Materials
- ABiMS Cluster documentation shared with the IFB Core Cluster
- Our 2021 training material "Cluster initiation"
Resources and administration practices
Please refer to those pages: