The platform ABiMS offers a HPC/Cluster infrastructure based on the scheduler SLURM. It represents:
  • 3368 Core CPU
  • 3 GPU nodes with Nvidia cards: 4 L40s and 2 k80
  • a secure data storage (RAID) of 2 PB
Since 2020, the whole cluster insfrastructure and some of its side applications had been refactoring. All the administration is now managed as a Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC). All the administration is done using the Ansible playbooks pushed on GitLab and some Continuous Integration robots (GitLab-CI). (Cf: Software layer)
This infrastructure has been financed by multiple sources :
  • Région Bretagne - BioGenOuest
  • Conseil Général - CG29
  • ANR projects 
  • Station Biologique de Roscoff: FR2424, UMR8227, UMR7144
  • Investissements d'Avenir projects: EMBRC-France, IDEALG, Océanomics, IFB
  • GRSIBI projects.
In 2021, the number of users is evenly distributed between internal "Station Biologique de Roscoff" and external.

Documentation and Training Materials

Resources and administration practices

Please refer to those pages: