Course registration opens

Preregistration for the ABiMS training sessions is now open at

The ABiMS platform organises a series of training sessions during the first semester of 2018, covering the following topics:

  • Galaxy for Beginners,
  • RNASeq with Galaxy,
  • R for Beginners
  • Advanced R,
  • Linux for Beginners,
  • Advanced Linux,
  • Cluster Usage
  • Data Management with Python for Beginners,
  • Advanced Data Management with Python.

More detailed information can be found in the following table :

As was the case in 2017, the "RNASeq with Galaxy" is part of the Sorbonne Université Formation Continue portfolio. The specifics of the registration procedure can be accessed using the link in the above mentioned table.

People interested in attending the other courses, which are entirely organised by ABiMS, are requested to fill the pre-registration form (accessible through the link in the rightmost column) before the mentioned deadlines. They will be informed about the status of their request at latest a week before the actual courses take place.